Saturday, June 16, 2012

June 18-23 @ Aram PL

Attention all summer readers:  keep up the good work!  It looks like we'll have a record number of readers this year, and you can still sign up so don't feel bad if you missed the first week.

This week, our Monday Midday Movie (6/18 at 12 p.m.) is "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (PG-13).  Bring your lunch; we'll provide dessert and beverage.

Tuesday's Storywagon performer is Scott Obermann, otherwise known as "Great Scott."  Join us in the library tent at 1:30 for The Magic of Dreaming Big, a show filled with magic, ventriloquism, and laughter.  Don't forget to bring a blanket or lawn chair to sit on.

Wednesday, June 20, we've got three special activities.

  • Storytime with Miss Kris at 10 a.m. for children up to age 6 with caregivers.
  • "How do they do that?" a magic trick workshop for ages 9-12 starts at 1 p.m.
  • Adult book club meets at 7 p.m. to discuss The Book of Lost Things.  Anyone who has read the book is welcome to attend.
Thursday's teen event is the movie The Prestige, (PG-13) the story of a rivalry between two magicians and one of my personal favorites.  The movie starts at 3 p.m. and snacks are included.

Kids and teens, don't forget to turn in your finished reading record, collect your Dusk Dollars and pick up the next reading record, plus check out this week's puzzles, games and contests.  And don't forget to visit the Galaxy Trading Post to choose your fabulous prizes.

And for adults, the first of the word puzzles goes out this week, as well as another prize drawing. . . and maybe a guessing game.  Adults who turn in their first completed "Between the Covers" checklist earn a free book, and the Friends of APL have been keeping their ongoing book sale rack stocked with fabulous finds (or you can wait until the big August book sale to choose your free book).  


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Summer Reading Program Kicks Off!

Sign-up for the Summer Reading Program begins Tuesday, June 12  for kids, teens and adults.  For children and teens, attend our kick-off event on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday at 3 p.m.and decorate your own cloth book bag.  Then you'll be all set to carry home fantastic books to read and the fabulous prizes you win!

For babies and preschoolers, Storytime is back!  Miss Kris offers stories, music, movement, and fun every Wednesday at 10 a.m. beginning June 13.

For adults, we start off the summer with Judy Williams, the Racine Coupon Lady.  She'll teach you everything you need to know about saving money by using coupons, from finding and organizing your coupons to setting up a stockpile and managing your pantry and freezer.  This class is free and registration is NOT required.  Drop in Monday morning from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and prepare to start saving!

Also for adults (and also this week) the Friends of APL are hosting a program on flower arranging taught by staff from Treasure Hut.  Learn how to make the most of your summer garden blooms on Tuesday at 1:30 under the tent on the library's front lawn.

On Wednesday, June 13, learn how to download ebooks from OverDrive to your Nook, Kindle, smart phone or other ereader.  Registration is required for this class, so please call the library and have your name added to the list.

Then, as part of Delavan's Celebration of Freedom featuring the American Veteran's Traveling Tribute, the library offers kids a chance to show their colors.  Decorate your bike (wagon, scooter, stroller . . ) in red, white, and blue at the library, then parade to Phoenix Park.  Bike decorating is from 1 to 3 p.m. at the library and all materials will be provided.

Saturday, June 16 at 10 a.m.,  Frank Landi examines the buildings in the business district of downtown Delavan in his program "Delavan's Historic Architectural Ornamentation.

All library programs are free and open to the public.


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